Children's Hospices Across Scotland Small Logo A Wild in Art event brought to you by
Southampton Hosptials Charity

St Helen’s Primary School is a small, vibrant village school. Children of all ages were involved in the design and painting of this lighthouse. It was a collaborative project in which we wanted to reflect and try to represent our local area. This unique Little Light began life on one of St Helen’s Primary School’s termly WellBeing Days. All the children worked independently on their own Little Light design. It was agreed that as St Helen’s is known locally as Goose Island, we wanted to include geese on our Little Light beccause historically there were ponds on the expansive village greens and geese would flock there. Also included is a depiction of St Helen’s Fort, (a Napoleonic fort) and the ruin of St Helen’s Church situated on St Helen’s Duver, which is another local landmark – all important places for the children of this village.

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