Children's Hospices Across Scotland Small Logo A Wild in Art event brought to you by
Southampton Hosptials Charity

GO! Southampton

Sculpture Sponsor

GO! Southampton is the Business Improvement District for Southampton City Centre. Our mission is to continuously improve the city centre by delivering relevant services, providing a voice for our businesses, influencing strategy and being a catalyst for positive change. The BID represents over 630 BID levy payers made up of business representatives from a myriad of sectors across the city. GO! Southampton also run and mange Visit Southampton – the go-to destination website for the city.

Go! Southampton

“GO! Southampton is pleased to be supporting Light the South and the excellent Southampton Hospitals Charity, with the vividly vibrant designs on over 30 lighthouses brightening the city centre. The accompanying lighthouse trail will encourage people to explore and discover our wonderful attractions, cafes and shops.”

Stephen Manion – Executive Director Go! Southampton

Go! Southampton
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